20 Times Libearty Comics Shows the Daily Family Life of the Artist Herself 

Comics about family life can be seen as more famous and attract the same level of attention as other comic themes like superheroes or fantasy. Because most people can relate to the scenarios shown in these comics. Due to this, most artists prefer to make comics on such topics. Among those fabulous artists, there is a female artist who shares her daily life with her family in a relatable way.

Libearty Comics is a web comic series that has gained a lot of attention on social media. The creator of this comic series started drawing comics in 2016 while she and her partner Adam were renting a small apartment together and raising their newborn son Gabe. Through sharing glimpses of her everyday life, she connects with 30,600 Instagram followers. Here are some of her comics for your viewing pleasure.


Credit: Libearty Comics

For More Info: Instagram | Facebook

#1. Retail Stories

#2. video games adventures


#3. What are you drawing?

#4. So Tired


#5. Friend Squad

#6. Naughty List

The artist was always inspired to make comics, ever since she started creating drawings on a bus journey home from school when she was eleven years old. After graduating from college, she started working in a shop and gradually started posting her drawings online, which is how her path to her current position began. His sketching was the one skill at which he excelled and felt proud.

#7. Coolest Pumpkin


#8. Has this ever happened to you?

#9. Help Us

#10. Fusion


#11. Dogs Lover

#12. Got you this Fish


#13. What?

#14. Come to the right place


In the early days of her married life, she had a perfect balance between working in a shop and creating comics for fans. After her son was born, she was afraid that she would not have the time to sketch, but it has had such a wonderful impact on her life. Instead, she starts getting more positive feedback, due to which she creates comics with more dedication. For more of her fabulous comics, feel free to click here and here.

#15. The Truth Hurts

#16. Want to be Harry Porter


#17. That Looks Fun

#18. April Fools


#19. It’s Cold

#20. Group work is the worst


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