20 Weird Comics by Ryan Hudson Can Make Everyone Smile And Laugh

Today we are going to talk about the artist’s work, which is full of love for the comic medium with his ability to work with ark humor and weird situations that readers wouldn’t expect. They were web-based animators such as Joe Cartoon who motivated Ryan to begin making his own dark comics, which are best described in mere three or four frames. We have published this artist’s content many times on Bored Comics, which you can read Here And Here.

Ryan, also known by his pen name Ryan Hudson. He is an independent cartoonist, animator, and illustrator from Los Angeles, California, currently boasting a following of over 282,000 on Instagram of his humorously shocking cartoons. The one thing that makes Ryan’s comics so fun is the sense of unanticipated twist involved. His comics always have surprising twists, which make readers guess till the end.

Credit: Ryan Hudson

For More Information: Instagram | Facebook | Website

Previously, Ryan’s comics were published under the title Channelate. However, prior to the year 2022, he thus realized that it would be more appropriate for him to publish the comics under his name due to both writing and illustrating the material. Despite sometimes finding it tough to follow, Ryan has been able to learn a lot and get good results from his comics. Let’s enjoy his best comics.

#1. He deserves a fair chance

#2. The News is not good


#3. Who is the coolest kid?

#4. This is so Embarrassing


#5. Let’s have a look

#6. How impolite of me


Funny is good, but funny that seems like real life, and perhaps we have all experienced, is even better. However, Ryan relies on the sort of craziness. He knows readers want to find something different in the text. They have no idea what this implies in the next panel. And that anticipation, that not knowing what shocking turn is coming. It is for this reason his comics are so irresistible.

#7. Still in love with you

#8. What am i doing?


#9. Stop taking my medicines

#10. You are not late


#11. Want them to be alive

#12. Afraid to leave my house

Ryan Hudson is proof that there are those who will eagerly read whenever he uploads the new comics. Furthermore, he kept saying that he first saw the first comic of a famous artist, and from that he felt inspired to create his own comic series. To convey this rather dark sense of humor of his, he rarely used more than three or four panels at most. He is currently entirely committed to this art. The cartoonist includes his comics on his particular website.

#13. Two Magicians

#14. New Friend

#15. Who has disturbed me?

#16. So Nervous

#17. This is the last time

His special dark humor-illustrated technique that he uses never fails to make us laugh. This is the reason why he has been able to achieve talent, hard work, and dedication. It is our desire to have more such artists for you to lighten up your day. We do not ask you to do much. You just need to support us. Every time you share our articles, we get good comments, and this encourages us to work harder and with more effort.

#18. Forgetting about the problems

#19. Dead Sleep

#20. Come to my bed and find out

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