20 Relatable Comics Shows the Mishaps in Work Life by Canetoonist

We all think that many mishaps happen to us only at work and in daily life. But as this popular Instagram comic artist Ahmed comically depicts, these are events that are bound to happen more regularly than we think. The Canetoonist series presents humorous aspects of everyday life in the form of awkward positions, annoying people, and everyday occurrences that we cannot avoid.

Although Ahmed started drawing only a few years ago, his comics are popular and amusing, with a sark sense of humor. Although he also draws, illustrates, and animates, it is these comic-side projects that resonate with the audience most. Accordingly, as Ahmed notes, it is empowering to know that despite what we consider to be our mishaps and problems, they are also faced by a huge number of other people.

Credit: Canetoonist

For More Info: Instagram

We have collected some of his best comics for you in the following gallery:

#1. Very Silly Typing

#2. Battle Field Revisited


#3. Trickiest Word

#4. Original


#5. Aged Like Milk

#6. Dating in your thirties


The humor in such events lies in the fact that other people also observe and smile at these normal, everyday occurrences. He uses a character and draws inspiration directly from his observations and everyday occurrences that many of the readers would recognize in their own lives. His art focuses on those moments that people focus to avoid and those small occurrences presented in the humorous way.

#7. Did You Know?

#8. Three Resolutions


#9. Tight Spot

#10. Perfect Party Dish


#11. Love Story

According to him, the best way to relate to the audience is to use something that the majority of people have faced, such as simply realizing that others are struggling through similar awkward moments, which is comforting. It is very satisfying to finally have a joke that he knows will make him laugh, but also to see the audience laughing at it. Due to this, he developed even more passion and took more care while drawing them.

#12. Tuber Rabbit Hole

#13. Pro Life

#14. Writer’s Block

#15. Modern Mistakes

#16. New Venture

Therefore, whenever life presents you with another mishap, relax, knowing that everyone has to face such moments. And by all means, please visit Canetoonist to forget about your struggles and bring a smile to your face. Prepare to laugh a lot, as you may find yourself in some of the situations portrayed in Ahmed’s work.

#17. No Rational Sense

#18. Horrible Error

#19. Pattern Sadness

#20. History Lesson

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