Have you ever heard of a comic series named Last Place Comics before? Well, if have not yet been familiar with this unique comic series we are going to intrude you with it. Zach Cranor is the genius mind behind the webcomic series named Last Place Comics. And as depicted on Instagram, Zach’s comics mostly features silly and dark humor. Each strip paints an odd piece as opposed to making simply a quip. A couple of Zach’s comics end with unexpected results. In spite of the fact that they aren’t in a discouraging way.
From the Corona face two or three additional time, Zach’s most current comics are ensured to get you out of unpleasant day while making you laugh from ear to ear. Over 100 comics can be seen on his website and social media accounts, And he’s getting huge response on all of his social media platforms which shows how people are loving his comics. It will not be a stunner if Zach’s most recent does likewise, as he’s tremendously an expert at what he does. Also, Zach’s inventiveness is incredible, and we can’t unquestionably ignore it. Have a look, as well, and you’ll be left wonderment. Appreciate!
We have put together some of his mostly appreciated comics that will act as a mood lifter to you. So scroll down and take a look at these hilarious comics with dark twists.



Zach has an Instagram account where he keep updates his fans with all the hilarious and dark humor comics. He’s been able to get 17.8K Instagram followers. The numbers are still increasing with each coming day.















Image Source : last_place_comics