Here are 20 Whimsical and Colorful Illustrations by Matt Knight

In today’s fast-paced and often stressful world, humor plays an essential role […]

In today’s fast-paced and often stressful world, humor plays an essential role in helping us navigate the challenges of busy lives. It serves as a much-needed escape from the relentless demands of work, responsibilities, and daily routines. Humor provides a therapeutic release, allowing us to momentarily set aside our worries and find joy in laughter. It’s a universal language that connects people, fostering social bonds and reducing feelings of isolation.


Moreover, humor is a powerful coping mechanism, enabling us to face adversity with resilience and a positive outlook. In the midst of hectic schedules and constant pressures, a good laugh can be a breath of fresh air, a reminder to not take life too seriously, and an invaluable source of mental and emotional well-being. That’s precisely why we’re excited to introduce a fresh collection of comics by Something Phantastic.

Credit: Something Phantastic

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#1. Doy you have a heart?

#2. How are you feeling?

#3. Look Tired

#4. Nothing Lasts Forever

#5. Relationship

Matt Knight, the creative mind behind the webcomic series “Something Phantastic,” is a master of whimsy and color. His illustrations are a vibrant and joyful celebration of imagination and creativity. Each panel is a window into a world where the fantastical and the everyday collide in a kaleidoscope of colors and characters. His Instagram account, @somethingphantastic, has 43,600 followers. The account features his artwork, which includes illustrations, comics, and animations. The style of his artwork is whimsical and colorful.

At the heart of “Something Phantastic!” is its main character, Pink Reaper, a unique interpretation of Death who’s on a quest to unravel the art of living. If you’re already acquainted with my previous webcomic, ‘Pink Reaper,’ you’ll find these comics to be a delightful continuation of that narrative. The key distinction, however, lies in the fact that it introduces a growing ensemble of characters and more intricate storylines. Nevertheless, each comic is thoughtfully designed to stand alone, ensuring that every update I share brings you a slice of enjoyment no matter where you are.

#6. Dressing

#7. Rocket

#8. Hide and Seek

#9. Cool Right?

#10. Barter With Death

Beyond the visual appeal, “Something Phantastic” also carries a message of positivity and whimsy. Matt Knight’s comics often explore themes of friendship, self-discovery, and embracing the extraordinary in the ordinary. They serve as a reminder that there’s magic to be found in everyday moments if we look at the world through the right lens.

In a world that sometimes feels overly serious, Matt Knight’s webcomics offer a refreshing escape into a realm where imagination knows no bounds and color and whimsy reign supreme. His work is a testament to the enduring power of art to ignite our creativity and bring a smile to our faces. So, if you’re ever in need of a dose of whimsy and a burst of color in your day, look no further than Matt Knight comics.

#11. Mother Tongue

#12. Facial Hair

#13. Psyche

#14. Company of a good book

#15. Basically Harmless

#16. Don’t need help

#17. Special

#18. Frozen

#19. Best Friend

#20. Is just bones?

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