20 Dark Illustrations Based On Awkward Moments By Crow Bar Comics 

Most people never seem to have the most comfortable life if they are born and brought up as human beings. Many are the struggles and challenges that you need to overcome, and by so doing you become the strong person and also acquire the skills required to tackle different life situations. However, once in a while, you still feel that some time must be set aside. One of the things that can make you feel content is by reading comics on Bored Comics. 

There are many comics that have been running for quite a while. many new ones should appear. As one cannot always convey all possible themes and ideas with just one work. We all have been waiting for The Crowbar Comics, and now they have come. In most cases, his comics are based on random situations and have unexpected macabre plot twists, and the author of the comics prefers the dark type of comedy.

Credit: The Crow bar Comics

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The author lives in Canada at the present moment. He always creates comics based on random situations with a twisted plot. The reader never knows what is going to happen in the next strip. Because of these qualities, the artist has managed to gather an audience of 20,900 followers on his Instagram page. Read the best comics in our comics section, right below.

#1. School Bus

#2. Do not hate the kid’s table


#3. Let Me Hear That

#4. Making Friends


#5. Passion to kill

#6. Comfort Zone


The brilliant mind behind this comic series is artist Samneehan. He is an expert in his unique combination of hilarious craziness and absurd meaning in every since. His comics are interesting because they are funny in their absurdity and absurd in their funniness. They are mostly based on the four-panel format, and the author draws it in a black-and-white theme. All the humor of the comic strip looks extremely funny and light.

#7. Thank You For Saving His Life

#8. Engineer


#9. Picky Eater

#10. He forgot to signal


#11. Please Save Me

#12. when you wish upon a star

#13. The Truth Is In There

His comics demand the audience to have some experience in dealing with home problems, embarrassing, or awkward things. One of the main features of the Crowbar Comics is randomness. It has dark humor that only makes the comics funny. A reminder in this series of comics by Crow Bar is so amusing because even the most unlikely things can be funny. You can even enjoy more of his comics by visiting here.

#14. Magic

#15. Love Is Blind

#16. Promoting you as captain

#17. Careful what you wish for

#18. Call the bumpers

#19. That is incorrect

#20. Novelty

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