10+ New Laughing Hippo Studio Comics That Will Make Your Mood Happy

Doug Hill is the famous artist who is famous for creating humorous one-panel cartoons. He has a comic series with the name Laughing Hippo Studio. He creates cartoons that contain a single frame and a single punchline. This makes it easy to understand the jokes. As for Instagram, I want to mention that Doug uploads new comics to his page nearly every day. He has 1,887 posts to this date now.

He is followed by over 5,549 individuals on the social media platforms. He is so popular for his jokes. Those people who have followed his comics for several years consider new jokes he creates to be funny. It is also interesting for new readers, which is also an important aspect that many people like to see humor in his comics. That even his jokes are so funny you can find yourself laughing.


Credit: Laughing Hippo Studio

For More Info: Instagram

These are some of the features that are proof in the drawing style that Doug has employed in the work that resembles old newspaper comic strips. They are presented in such a way that even the characters and scenes appear friendly and familiar. But his comics are always amusing to everyone, and he updates the comics on his Instagram account on a regular basis.

#1 Who are you?

#2 Sunday services


#3 Bring your work home

#4 Pick up chicks


#5 Killer hamsters

Some of the jokes that I found in his cartoons are about common life and typical issues. For instance, he performed some comedy about family, things that are irritating, and differences between the young and the old. Often Doug gets ideas from his family and things that he comes across in the real world. Thus, the scenes in the comics do not appear unfamiliar. It is also relatively easy for readers to put themselves in the situations.

#6 Sounds better than unemployed

#7 Stop Thief


#8 Breaking silence

#9 You want money?

#10 Like to pollinate


A single cartoon frame with a humorous punch line can make a person laugh and, therefore, have a better day. The unexpected moments also appear as something that can occur in the real world. Doug does not make up new phrases but uses simple philosophical sayings in a humorous and opposite manner. This is what has the ability to make his readers laugh. 

#11 Try to get up

#12 Welcome to new home


#13 Selfie before death

#14 Sunday school


#15 Last Night’s leftover

This man is most talented when it comes to drawing funny cartoons that would surely bring a smile to one’s face. If you want some fun, then you can go through Doug on Instagram by searching for Laughing Hippo Studio. He creates new comics and puts them online all the time. You can also read more of his work on the Bored Comics by clicking on the links provided Here, Here, And Here.

#16 Erectile dysfunction


#17 New Eye Chart

#18 Crying Child


#19 Start saving now

#20 Complaints


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