20 Imy Comics Based on the Adventures of a Female Artist to Make Your Day Better

On our website, every type of comic is available for you to enjoy. If you are also in search of a good collection of comics, then you have come to the right place. We are about to discuss a female artist who shares her adventures with her fans, mostly based on her thoughts. The artist’s good name is Irma Eriksson. She is best known for her Instagram account, based on her name, Imy Comics.

The artist’s comics always have a focus on the artist herself, who experiences struggles in everyday life. Her realistic illustrations portray the pleasures and difficulties of being a regular girl. Her characters are honest, charming, and humorous. The artist’s drawings are a must-read for everyone who has ever felt like they’re just trying to get by in life because of their funny and supportive characters. When you read her comics, you will undoubtedly smile and feel happy.

Credit: Imy Comics

For more Info: Instagram | Website | Facebook

#1. Happy New Year

#2. So Magical


#3. Introvert at a party

#4. What Breed?


#5. Melting

#6. Sleep Panel


Imy is a self-described woman with flame hair who is creative, easily entertained, and unimpressed with small children. Since 2007, she has released her comics. She is the artist who creates comics about her experiences, which are always amusing and enjoyed by many people. The artist says when she sees positive responses, it motivates her to make her comics more attractive by doing hard work.

#7. Moon Cherry

#8. Heatwave


#9. Sky is Speaking

#10. Pretty Cool


#11. Sleeping Styles

#12. Make a wish

#13. Hot Sand

#14. Not very Good

#15. Shooting Stars

She creates comic strips depicting the struggles of an ordinary female. She addresses many strange and personal everyday scenarios in her interacting paintings. It draws attention to the humor and difficulties of being average. That is, someone who isn’t particularly remarkable but nevertheless experiences amusing and interesting situations. If you find her comics interesting, then do not forget to share them with others.

#16. Playlist

#17. Broke the rules

#18. Snow

#19. Perfect Spot

#20. Perfect snow ball

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