10+ New Dan Piraro Cartoons Based On One-Line Jokes And Twists

Dan Piraro is a very famous American cartoonist who was born in 1947. His most famous work is Bizarro, which is a single-panel comic strip. He also does funny comic strips, which people like to laugh at. Dan began the strip in 1985, and it was named Bizarro. That was more than 38 years ago. The characters in Bizarro comics are usually fairly ridiculous, and the jokes are equally dumb. His comics use the aspects of the unexpected and the absurd in order to make you laugh.

Bizarro is a single-panel comic. It is important to note that there is only one large box with a picture and words in each comic, and they are not divided into many small boxes like in some comic strips. In one panel, Dan can fit a whole funny story, and it just proves that they are funny. Now, Bizarro comic strips are printed on over three hundred papers in many countries around the world. He has 95,200 followers.

Credit: Dan Piraro

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It is worth noting that for more than three decades, audiences have been laughing at Dan’s comedy, which can be described as weird and wacky. These types of comics have also been found on some websites that host funny comics. We have collected some of the of the best and most recent single-panel cartoons for your enjoyment. So, scroll down and enjoy.

#1 Private Writing


#2 Over throw the king

#3 Drink

#4 Happy to agree on something


#5 Accent Rug

Dan is a very creative person when it comes to putting ideas in his cartoons. He concepts things that are not easily noticeable, but they are actually jokes that are hidden in the background of the drawings. The words and the pictures are very clever, which makes for a really amusing Bizarro comic series. His comics never fail to make the audience laugh with clever jokes.

#6 See you again

#7 Any Magic Mushrooms

#8 Caption contest

#8 Through the woodlands

#9 Engine Noise

#10 Starting to rain

The Bizarro comics were published in 2018 later on by another cartoonist, Wayno Honath, who was responsible for the organization and distribution of Bizarro comics. He likes that Dan Piraro has a silly sense of humor. Wayno created this comic strip to contribute to making even more people laugh about the twists and turns in this unusual world.

#11 Law Degree

#12 New Shoes

#13 Side Sleeper

#14 Fated Side

#15 Budget therapy

#16 Looking for job

Now Dan lives in Mexico, and he is married. As for the hobbies, during his free time he paints pictures, performs at stand-up comedy shows, and looks after the rescue animals. Thus he derives inspiration for Bizarro from the weird things he finds in real-life scenarios. As you will remember, Dan has been drawing comics for many years, and he still enjoys searching for new tricks to make people laugh. For more of his comics, visit Here, Here, Here, And Here.

#17 Fake news

#18 Next amazing story

#19 Airplane mode

#20 Thin Sliced Beef

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