20 Comics by a Singaporean Artist Who is Known for His Dark Humor

Laughing at dark humor can provide a sense of emotional release and catharsis. It allows us to release pent-up tension and emotions, providing a feeling of relief and lightness. Dark humor can offer a different perspective on challenging situations. It encourages us to view these situations from a new angle, helping us temporarily distance ourselves from the gravity of our concerns. This element of surprise can trigger laughter as our brains quickly process the incongruity of the situation.

Sharing dark humor with others can create a sense of camaraderie. When we laugh together at dark jokes, we feel a connection with others who appreciate the same brand of humor, fostering a sense of community. That’s why we bring you another good collection of dark comics. So, you forgot about your worries and entered a world of laughter and happiness. You can also explore some of his earlier posts on boredcomics by clicking here, here, and here.

Credit: Bathpoopoo

For more info: Instagram

#1. Floor Scrub

#2. Costume


#3. Stop Panicking

#4. What is this place?


#5. Rattle Rattle

Singapore is a nation known for its rich cultural tapestry and artistic diversity, and within this vibrant landscape, one artist has emerged as a pioneer of dark humor in the art world. Meet Bathpoopoo, a unique and enigmatic figure whose work challenges conventions, tickles the funny bone, and often leaves viewers both shocked and amused. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Bathpoopoo and explore how his distinctive brand of dark humor has captured the attention of art enthusiasts worldwide.

#6. So Tired


#7. Biggest Fear

#8. Body


Bathpoopoo is a Singaporean artist known for creating dark-humor webcomics with twisted endings. The artist’s real name is not disclosed. Bathpoopoo has gained a significant following on Instagram, with 15,900 followers and 167 posts. Their work often explores themes of everyday life, such as work, relationships, and mental health. Bathpoopoo’s comics are known for their simple but effective artwork, their relatable characters, and their positive messages.

#9. Shooting Star

#10. Halloween


Bathpoopoo’s unique approach to dark humor has garnered international attention. His work has been exhibited in galleries and art festivals around the world, gaining a following of admirers who appreciate his ability to make them laugh while also making them think. Bathpoopoo reminds us that art has the power to challenge, provoke, and entertain, often all at once. Whether you find his work shocking, hilarious, or deeply thought-provoking, there’s no denying that Bathpoopoo’s contribution to the world of dark humor art is nothing short of remarkable.

#11. Happy Diwali

#12. Gas

#13. Are you ready?

#14. Pokémon Trainers

#15. Project Manager

#16. Lack Conviction

#17. New Colon

#18. Stuck in Jam

#19. Snitches

#20. Shopping

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