20 Pierre Mortel Comics Based on Dark Humor and Horror Situations

we are here to introduce you to an artist whose good name is Pierre Mortel. He is a highly popular comic strip creator in public view. The artist has the same username on Instagram. He resides in a rural area of France. Since he was hardly more than a piece of bone, he has been drawing. He chose to concentrate on making up stories because he wasn’t very good at it. He created a lot of comics year after year before coming up with this comic series.

He claims that while creating his comic series, he has learned a lot from different artists. He meets a lot of interesting artists along the way, and each time he attempts to work with them, he gets better at it. He has improved his drawing abilities as a result of several of these partnerships. With a lot of work and determination, he developed an audience of 38,500 followers on Instagram. His finest comics are included in the section below.

Credit: Pierre Mortel

For More Info: Instagram | Facebook

#1. Pretending


#2. Lizard People

#3. The power of music

#4. Street life


#5. Time Travel

#6. So Random

Since 2016, he has started using social media regularly and has amassed a sizable following across all of the platforms. Characters from the well-liked tabletop game appear in his comics. The comics created by this artist are renowned for their humor and unique style, which combines an element of horror with dark humor. As a result, fans of dark humor always appreciate his comics.

#7. Kids

#8. Subtitles

#9. Skin Zone

#10. Grass Green

#11. Wizard

#12. So Lonely

#13. Blow Torch

#14. Delicious

#15. Difficulty

Pierre Mortel’s humor and personal style are well-known in his work. His comics are especially well-liked because they deal with the regularly serious comics profession with humor. In addition, his artwork distinguishes itself from that of other comics artists by combining dark comic themes with a horror touch. If you find this article amusing and want to enjoy more of his comics, then click here and here.

#16. Country Side

#17. Button

#18. Simulation

#19. Single

#20. Hard Game

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