20 The Bear Trap Comics Based on Hilarious Random Things to Make You Laugh

Humor is the best way to laugh and forget about your worries. For this, Instagram is the best platform to go through many Artists’ comics. While browsing through it, you see comics mostly based on regular topics such as dark themes, everyday struggles, mental health, etc. But we bring another collection of comics that is based on the adventures of two bears.

The Bear Trap is an artist who makes short comic strips under the username @the_bear_trap. His comics are always based on two characters, one called Paul and the other called Rob. The artist does not reveal his name because he chooses to keep his identity secret from his audience. He has 2,667 followers on his Instagram account. You can check out some of his best comics in the following section.

Credit: The Bear Trap

For more info: Instagram

#1. Intense Fight


#2. Things that keep Rob up at night


#3. What now?

#4. perfect excuse Not to cook

#5. Hilarious

#6. Game Day

The artist’s love for animals led him to do such comic strips. He mostly creates short-panel comics. He uses attractive color schemes to make his comics more appealing. The main theme in his comics is based on the everyday adventures of two bears as they live their lives together. He always captures these moments with a heartwarming and hilarious touch.

#7. Packaging Company

#8. Extra Burger Buns

#9. batteries not included

#10. Red Color

#11. Competition

#12. Cookies

#13. Vegan

#14. Clever

By capturing such situations, he never fails to amuse his audience. He shows the awkwardness of their everyday lives and turns it into something funny. He says bear characters mostly have relatable flaws that make them adorable and funny. That’s why he chooses to make comics about bear characters. If you also find his comics interesting, then don’t forget to comment about your favorite one.

#15. No Thanksgiving

#16. Misfortune Cookie

#17. Newest Boxers

#18. False Grading

#19. Hot dogs

#20. Alcoholics

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