20 Miss Penzy Comics Shows Her Silly Things With Her Boyfriend

Relationship comics can use simple illustrations and humorous text to show the everyday happenings that make up a relationship, serving as an easy reminder of the joy and beauty that come from sharing experiences. Because of this, we have another talented artist who specializes in capturing romantic moments in a couple’s life for you. There is an Instagram artist who is perfect at showing her everyday life with her boyfriend.

Nandini Sharma is a talented female artist who specializes in creating these kinds of illustrations. She is on Instagram with the username @Misspenzy and has amassed more than 16,400 followers. Miss Penzy is a relationship expert and knows a great deal about what it means to be in a couple. Her observations beautifully express the nuanced balance between love and friendship. These kinds of comics are available to you in the next part.

Credit: Miss Penzy

For More Info: Instagram Facebook

#1. Most effective way to bust a bad mood

#2. Pizza


#3. We literally spent the whole day together

#4. He did not see that coming


#5. Mad

#6. Things you do for love


Penzy is a young lady who usually impresses others as awkward and stupid. Popper is a more confident and sociable character. The two characters constantly find themselves in humorous and realistic scenarios that explore the highs and lows of romantic relationships. She has a talent for expressing the basic principles of what it means to be in a relationship, both in the lighter and heavier moments. 

#7. When you meet bae after a very long time

#8. He’s always biting me


#9. Electric Wires

#10. Hello


#11. So true

#12. Its all fun and games until the nature calls

#13. Messy Eaters

#14. Cooking

#15. Long Distance Relationship

Her comics may portray the complicated and messy realities of relationships in a lovely way. Her romantic comics act as an affectionate reminder that true love is about accepting each other for who they are rather than finding the perfect partner. She goes on to suggest that these are things that strengthen the love connection. To view more of her comics, kindly click here and here.

#16. Safety

#17. Thinking

#18. The struggle is real

#19. Relatable

#20. Talking

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