20 Times Mark Parisi Makes People Laugh With Single-Panel Humor

Mark Parisi is a famous artist who creates single-panel comics and is well known for making people laugh with his one-panel humor. He is the owner of the comic strip Off the Mark. It has been running in newspapers since 1987. His comic series has won awards like Best Newspaper Panel from the National Cartoonists Society. That’s why he has a huge following of 110,000 loyal followers on his Instagram account.

Mark Parisi has been inspired by other cartoonists to create his own work. He studies the work of other established cartoonists to learn and develop his skills. In 1987, he honed his craft and got his work noticed in local publications before achieving wider recognition. That’s how he started his journey, and now he has made a name in the world of single-panel humor. You can check out his best comics in the following section.

Credit: Mark Parisi Otm

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#1. Doing your own research

#2. Moisturize


#3. Café

#4. Got Mooned


#5. Open Up

#6. Not checking


He studied art at Salem State College, where he graduated in 1983. After graduating from college, he started sending drawings to newspapers and magazines. Off the Mark debuted in 1987 after the Universal Press Syndicate finally discovered his work. In 2008, 2011, and 2017, he won the Best Newspaper Panel Award for Off the Mark three times. In 2013, he won the Best Greeting Card Award.

#7. Right there

#8. Game of Pool


#9. What is this?

#10. Hiding Places


#11. Breakfast club

#12. Mess

#13. Basket Case

#14. Shower Time

He is an American cartoonist and has been making the comic strips daily.  The artist’s birthplace was Gloucester, Massachusetts, in 1961. His work has been praised for its wit, humor, and thoughtful comments regarding the state of humanity today. His realistic and witted humor has been enjoyed by readers for over thirty years. On our website, you can see his earlier posts by clicking these links: here, here, and here.

#15. The Fall Styles

#16. Can’t start

#17. Putting a fresh spin on it

#18. Sucker Punch

#19. Dino

#20. Have a good One

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