Dead Face Comics is an Instagram account that was created by brilliant artist Anthony Stocking. He is from Auckland, New Zealand. He uses his own experiences with mental health challenges to create short, four-panel comics as a form of art therapy. His comics deal with themes of anxiety, relationships, loneliness, and depression. His comics are mostly humorous and relatable, and they show a unique perspective on mental health.
A lot of people can relate to the topics he addresses in his drawings, which include worry, depression, and a sense of being lost in life. Though they usually have humor, his comics also have a dark sense of humor. Those who love to enjoy dark humor may find this appealing. His remarkable content offerings have earned him 36,600 followers on Instagram. If you enjoy his work and want to lift your mood, take a look at the comic strips in the gallery below.
Credit: Dead Face Comics
For more Info: Instagram | Facebook
#1. Pretty Cool

#2. Feel Much Better

#3. Anxiety

#4. Sleep

#5. Help

#6. Gallery

The artist says he creates comics in a simple format, which allows his readers to easily understand the message and is perfect for readers who are short on time. He further says that he also faces such situations in his life, and he does not know how to deal with them. So, he started drawing comics as a hobby and started sharing them on his Instagram account.
#7. Waiting

#8. Regret

#9. Large Gatherings

#10. Lowest Points

#11. Getting Worse

#12. Call Duration

#13. Different Perspective

#14. Strong Enough

#15. Radiates

He says he uses his comics as a powerful tool for raising awareness about mental health issues. By using humor and relatable situations, he shows the challenges faced by people with anxiety, depression, and other conditions. It allows him to process his emotions and experiences in a creative and relatable way. Hopefully, you can relate to his comics. For more enjoyable content, visit our website daily.
#16. Fit

#17. Needy

#18. Wait

#19. Something Good

#20. Smash