20 Oatmeal Comics Based on Humorous Observations That Will Amuse You

Comic strip creator “Matthew Inman” is well recognized for his “The Oatmeal” […]

Comic strip creator “Matthew Inman” is well recognized for his “The Oatmeal” series of books. His comics are entertaining and make him smile, especially for his fans. Fans of Matthew’s comics on the Internet adore his work, which he has been doing for nearly ten years. He currently has over 3.7 million Facebook followers and 1.2 million Instagram followers.


Matthew Inman founded the humor and comics website The Oatmeal in 2009. Although his work is renowned for its straightforward, frequently stick figure form, he skillfully conveys humor and passion with it. His comics are interesting and educational since they either tackle difficult subjects or make lighthearted observations in a simple style. Let’s examine some of his finest comics. More of his comics can be found on his Facebook and Instagram profiles, which we discuss in the following section.

Credit: The Oatmeal

More Info: Instagram | Website | Facebook | Twitter

#1. Moment to Shine

#2. Smell So Strange

#3. Rise Again

#4. Venting

#5. Don’t do it

#6. Trash

The Oatmeal often tackles taboo subjects and uses dark humor to create jokes about death, relationships, and other uncomfortable matters if we discuss the key themes of this artist’s cartoons. The Oatmeal offers a safe and enjoyable method to cope with challenging emotions by making fun of our worries and fears. He uses similar subjects in his humorous comics to make his audience laugh in this way.

#7. Cloudy Weather

#8. So Bright

#9. Emotions

#10. How to survive

#11. Disappointment

#12. What time is it?

The artist depicts the reactions of various personality types to them, as well as who is staring at whom and what is on their minds. The artist has a Great sense of humor. His comics are worth seeing. Additionally, he often publishes his comics on his own website. You can click here to view Oatmeal’s earlier entries on Boredcomics if you’d like to read more of his comics.

#13. Nope

#14. Can’t Stop

#15. Being Tired

#16. Back To Quarantine

#17. Kids

#18. Strong

#19. Hero

#20. That’s not funny

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