20 Funny and Relatable Comics about Everyday Life by Warheads Comics

In a world where laughter is a much-needed respite from the daily […]

In a world where laughter is a much-needed respite from the daily grind, Warheads Comics has emerged as a beacon of humor, offering a delightful and relatable escape through their funny and relatable comics about everyday life. With their unique blend of wit, charm, and observational humor, Warheads Comics has garnered a dedicated following of 23,600 fans who eagerly anticipate their latest strips. Let’s dive into the world of Warheads comics and explore the joy they bring to our everyday experiences.


Warheads Comics is an Instagram artist who creates funny and relatable comics about everyday life. Warheads Comics is a pen name for a Montreal-based artist who prefers to remain anonymous. They started drawing comics as a way to cope with anxiety and depression, and they quickly found that they had a knack for making people laugh. The artist says most of his ideas come to him when he is in the bathroom. His omics often deal with topics like relationships, work, and social media, and they always have a positive message at the end.

Warheads Comics not only excels in humor but also in their distinctive artistic style. Each comic strip is a visual treat, with expressive characters, vibrant colors, and attention to detail. The artistry adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the overall experience, enhancing the humor and bringing the scenarios to life. The clean and inviting aesthetics of Warheads Comics make them visually appealing and accessible to readers of all ages. If you’re looking for a laugh or if you just need a pick-me-up, be sure to check out Warheads Comics’ Instagram page. You won’t be disappointed.

By clicking here, you can also enjoy some of his previous posts on boredcomics.

Credit: Warheads Comics

For more info: Instagram | Facebook | Website

#1. Happy birthday!

#2. Jail

#3. Gift

#4. Grandma

#5. Bot

#6. Therapist

#7. Plan

#8. Missing

#9. Hidden

#10. Dishes

#11. The gift

#12. Zoo

#13. Video games

#14. Finding work

#15. Shower surprise

#16. Going to work

#17. Air conditioning

#18. Attention

#19. Facebook memories

#20. Interview

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