20 Vector Belly Comics That Are Based On Strange And Quirky Situations

Mike Rosenthal is the mastermind behind the web comic strip Vector Belly that has lots of its fans. Blessed with over a few followers on Instagram, he has successfully managed to entertain the reader with his comics, which are filled with dark humor and elements of surprise. In this blog, we will have a deeper understanding of why Vector Belly is so special and why so many people like this comic.

He wants to express his imagination as well as deal with the stress of tough employment and other commitments. Drawing the comics is probably his personal interest, which he can paint out of the box thinking in real life and dramatic twists and surprise elements as sketches. For sound and fun, he uses music and games to put his characters in ridiculous and strange circumstances. Let’s enjoy some of his best comics in the next gallery.

Credit: Vector Belly Comics

For More Info: Instagram

#1. Dating

#2. High school Party


#3. Healthy Work Life

#4. Good Night


#5. Time is always Kicking

#6. Let me play song


Although the source of the contents may not be the brightest, there is quite a good element of comedy in the story. In the artwork, text is limited, so his hand-drawn images and colors speak for emotions and environments. In the given comics, there are some general concepts that any reader can easily relate to. He says that the main aim of making simple comics is that people can relate to them.

#7. Biggest fan

#8. Such a Looser


#9. Getting Wild

#10. Band Member


He gets involved with his fan base through social media, where he shares concepts for new strips while also making positive comments. This direct approach, coupled with the fact that his humor is visually driven and easily shareable, has helped him establish a loyal fan base for his web comic. The audience reads the comics and shares them through the likings and sharing features.

#11. Let’s fire up this show

#12. Stage to death

#13. Come Here

#14. Stuck

#15. Never be cool

If you are a fan of strange and twisted sense of humor, be sure to check out his web comic, Vector Belly Comics, and follow him on social media. One is guaranteed to get several twisted laughs from his creativity. And if you like his choice, share his work to let the other continue in the receiving of the strange entertainment. We hope you have an amazing experience while reading this blog.

#16. What’s with the crying?

#17. Cooking in your thirties

#18. Get it fixed

#19. Guy behind me

#20. Health care

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