Cats are a beloved pet among many people. They enjoy playing with cats. Cats have a reputation for being adorable, affectionate, independent, and highly critical. However, there are some aspects of cats that only cat owners can completely comprehend. Some of those items are very fantastic, while others are absolutely revolting. But when taken as a whole, these factors produce the delight of cat ownership.
Let me give you a brief introduction to a new artist by the name of Francesca Hause. She is a mother of two, an illustrator, and the creator of the delightful comic book series Litterbox Comics about the adventures of her family. The twist is that the artist doesn’t like to sketch people, so she depicts her family and friends as a cute cat family. In her comics, she adores using cat characters.
It is weird being a parent, as it is said in her bio. The artist creates hilarious situations in his comics that most parents (and cat owners) can identify with. Her comics’ fundamental theme is sweetness and wholeness. Currently, she is followed on Instagram by 447,000 users. The next part contains a collection of her 20 lovely and cute illustrations. By scrolling down, you can view these comics.
Credit: Litterbox Comics
More info: Instagram | Website


















