These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics)

Talking cows, not-so-smart kids, and a myriad of flora and fauna appear in Lee Rubin’s original witty cartoonish panel Rubies. Rubin’s funny characters and absurd view of the world made Rubin a favorite of readers all over the world. Although dark humor is not a new concept, the name was only introduced in 1935 by the French surrealist André Breton. Black humor jokes include topics that are generally considered taboo or difficult to discuss but often involve a little irony. The most popular examples are the works of Shakespeare himself, who often looked at tragic moments from a lighter side, or the famous works of British comedians Monty Python. Our brains have to work quite hard to understand the irony – sarcastic messages load our skulls with twice the processing power of normal forms of language. So understanding this basically means that your brain is more adept at solving creative problems. However, if you use it too often, other people may confuse your dark sense of humor with that of a sociopath.

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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 22


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 23


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 24


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 25


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 26


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 27


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 28


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 29


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 30


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 31


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 32


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 33


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 34


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 35


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 36


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 37


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 38


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 39


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 40


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These Most Hilarious And Funny Comics For People Who Like Dark Humor (20 New Comics) 41

he most popular examples are the works of Shakespeare himself, who often looked at tragic moments from a lighter side, or the famous works of British comedians Monty Python. Our brains have to work quite hard to understand the irony – sarcastic messages load our skulls with twice the processing power of normal forms of language. So understanding this basically means that your brain is more adept at solving creative problems. However, if you use it too often, other people may confuse your dark sense of humor with that of a sociopath.

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