20 Sorrow Bacon Comics Full of Unexpected Twists and Dark Puns

We’re back today with another fantastic selection of dark comics. Meet Sorrowbacon, […]

We’re back today with another fantastic selection of dark comics. Meet Sorrowbacon, a comic book character drawn by the brilliant artist Millie Bite who combines humor with existentialism in a delightful way. Her brilliant speech, unexpected twists, and endearingly offbeat characters have earned her a reputation. Her cheerful take on the meaninglessness of life and the universe is seen in many of her comics.


By doing so, she is able to reach an audience of 9,676 Instagram followers. Sorrowbacon’s characters are sharp and witty, delivering clever puns and unexpected observations. The humor is often dark and unexpected, but it’s sure to make you chuckle. Her art style is unique and expressive. It’s characterized by clean lines, playful shapes, and a touch of whimsy. Let’s explore some of her best dark comics in the following section.

Credit: Sorrow Bacon

For More Info: Instagram | Facebook | Website

#1. Harvard

#2. Kitten Speech

#3. Christmas Card

#4. Text

#5. Marry a Witch

#6. Why Do Birds

When we discuss how ideas come to her, she responds that I get ideas randomly and I write them down. She wrote these notes in a notebook. She goes over them every now and then and picks which ones are good enough to turn into a comic. The artist creates amazing content for her viewers in this way.

#7. Zombie Bros

#8. Parent Teacher Conference

#9. Aviation Cat

#10. Gorgeous

#11. Cane

#12. Google Doc

#13. Interact

Additionally, Sorrowbacon has a Patreon page where you can support her work and have access to behind-the-scenes insights, early comic drafts, and sketches, among other unique goods. Sorrowbacon is definitely worth checking out if you’re searching for comics that are charming, humorous, and interesting, with a hint of surrealism. Click this link to experience more enjoyment.

#14. Girlfriend Hair

#15. Bangs

#16. Solution

#17. What are you wearing?

#18. Black

#19. Love Potion

#20. Father Figure

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