Here are 20 Ridiculous One-Panel Comics That You Have Not Seen Before


Step into the wacky world of Scotts Cartoons, where the art of humor takes on a whole new dimension with one-panel comics that defy the ordinary! These aren’t your everyday chuckles; they’re a rollercoaster ride through the zaniest, most absurd scenarios you’ve ever laid eyes on.

Toonpool isn’t just about comics; it’s a playground of imagination where laughter reigns supreme. Picture this: a single panel, bursting with vibrant colors and clever punchlines, delivering a comedic knockout in the blink of an eye. That’s the magic of these one-panel wonders—they pack a punch, leaving you gasping for air between fits of giggles.

What sets Toonpool’s comics apart is their sheer ridiculousness. These aren’t your predictable jokes or cliché setups. Oh no! Prepare for the unexpected as each panel takes you on a whirlwind tour of the bizarre and the hilarious. From puns that’ll make you groan to situations so ludicrous you’ll wonder, “How on earth did they come up with that?”—these comics redefine what it means to be side-splittingly funny.

Credit: Scotts Cartoons

For more info: Website

#1. Alphabets


#2. No Brain

#3. Cyclops


#4. The Germinator

#5. The Bog


#6. Final Trick

But it’s not just the content that’s mind-boggling; it’s the sheer creativity packed into a single frame. The artists at Toonpool are maestros of visual storytelling, wielding their pens and brushes to create miniature masterpieces of humor. The artistry is as stunning as the humor is outrageous, making each panel a work of comedic art.

#7. Radiology


#8. Junk

#9. Egyptian Result


#10. Coach’s Phone

#11. Last Night


One of the best things about Toonpool’s one-panel comics? They’re a breath of fresh air in a world inundated with long-winded jokes and predictable punchlines. In a single glance, you’ll be transported to a world where the absurd becomes the norm and laughter is the universal language.

#12. Nesting Dolls Scam

#13. Easter Surprise


#14. Digital Artifact

#15. Horse


#16. Call

#17. Surgery


So, if you’re ready to dive headfirst into a world of belly-aching laughter and jaw-dropping silliness, Toonpool’s one-panel comics are your ticket. Buckle up and get ready for a wild ride through a landscape of absurdity, where each panel is a gem waiting to tickle your funny bone and leave you grinning from ear to ear. Trust me, these are ridiculous comics you’ve never seen before, and they’re an absolute delight!

#18. Air Force

#19. Contaminated


#20. Confused Death

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