20 Motherhood Comics About Daily Mishaps of Children By Samuelism

There is a new web comic that I believe does an excellent job of showcasing the comical madness and affection of family life. The comic series has the title Samuelism, and the artist behind this creative work is Cindy Goh. In her strips, she tells of her day and moments of life as a mother to young children. Her comics depict actual life and the responsibilities that come with parenting as well as the role that comes with marriage.

In the comics, we witness her juggling between different tasks and handling children’s mishaps. Despite the fact that life can be confusing, she and her young son still share so much love. She says that it will be impossible to find parents who would have nothing to do with the comics depicted. It is wonderful for drawing the funny and emotional scenes that parents commonly go through. Comparatively, on a lighter note, the comics point at the beauty of life.

Credit: Samuelism

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#1. Need to drive fast

#2. Negative Thoughts


#3. Spring Problems

#4. Kids Foot Wear


#5. What does this word mean?

Her comics used to illustrate the things from the daily routine of a mother, and they are quite cute. She uses an art style that seems to be warm and filled with lots of imagination. It is rather difficult to stay with children who create a lot of mishaps, but they seem too adorable. In this way, we observe the process of child development in her comics in a funny way.

#6. Frying dumplings


#7. Just too scary

#8. I will not be fooled


#9. Give it back

#10. another bad grade


But the Samuelism Comics does not have many fans. It is enough to note that 1,160 audiences pay attention to the series, and such support is great. Parents enjoy these jokes and relate to the different situations that parents experience in their everyday lives. And it is a pleasure to know that all of us are just as hopeless and lost as parents sometimes.

#11. Good Things about babies

#12. Milk before cereal

#13. dinner is ready

#14. Hair Style

#15. New Glasses

It is just great to see that we are all struggling through these struggles and are not alone. Although the major characters are focused on parenting and children, even people without children can also enjoy her comics. Because her comics represent the best and the worst of parenting. Overall, Samuelism is a comic series that will make readers laugh.

#16. When will they learn

#17. Studying is so boring

#18. Send Help

#19. Motivational Speaker

#20. Regret Nothing

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