Long Comic Strips Will Take You to a Delightful Space Where Animals Steal the Show (29 Drawings)

Hey there, fellow pet enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into the whimsical universe […]

Hey there, fellow pet enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into the whimsical universe of Pet Foolery, a delightful space where animals steal the show and tickle our funny bones. If you’re an animal lover or just in need of a good chuckle, this is the place to be!


Created by the talented cartoonist Ben Hed, Pet Foolery is a webcomic series that brings to life the hilarious antics of animals in all their charming glory. Through adorable illustrations and witty storytelling, Ben crafts a world where pets and wildlife have their own quirky personalities, and boy, do they shine!

One of the standout stars of Pet Foolery is the “Pixie and Brutus” series. It’s all about a big, tough-looking military dog named Brutus who meets an innocent and tiny kitten named Pixie. Their interactions are pure gold! Pixie’s innocence contrasts hilariously with Brutus’s serious demeanor, leading to heartwarming yet sidesplitting moments.

If You Want To Enjoy His Previous Posts On Bored Comics, Then Click Here, Here And Here.

Credit: Pet Foolery

For More Info: Instagram

#1. Blood Thirsty Monster

But wait, there’s more! Ben Hed’s creativity doesn’t stop there. He introduces us to other lovable characters like Walter the Cat, who’s a tad bit obsessed with the concept of his ‘cat curse’ and how it affects his nine lives. Then there’s Shen and Steve, two rats that bring a whole new meaning to friendship goals.

What’s truly remarkable about Pet Foolery is its ability to capture the essence of animal behavior in a relatable and amusing way. Whether it’s the mischievousness of cats, the loyalty of dogs, or the quirky habits of other critters, each comic strip feels like a slice of our own pet’s lives.

Besides the humor, Pet Foolery often touches on some heartwarming themes. It highlights the beautiful bond between humans and animals, the innocence of exploration, and the joy of simple, everyday moments. It’s not just about laughs; it’s about the warmth these adorable creatures bring into our lives.

#2. Swiper

#3. A Velociraptor

And the best part? Pet foolery isn’t just a spectator sport! Ben Hed frequently engages with fans, encouraging them to share their own pet stories and even accepting suggestions for new comic ideas. It’s a community of animal enthusiasts coming together to celebrate the joy pets bring.

So, if you’re in need of a mood lift or simply want to revel in the amusing world of animals, dive into Pet Foolery. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of laughter, heartwarming moments, and a renewed appreciation for the furry (or feathery, or scaly) friends in our lives.

#4. It’s Her Birthday

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