20 Last Place Comics Portrays Silly and Absurd Situations Can Amuse You

Instagram artist Zach Cranor has distinguished himself in the art world by […]

Instagram artist Zach Cranor has distinguished himself in the art world by creating a unique niche for himself. His colorful and fantastical creations are a celebration of happiness, fun, and inventiveness, and his use of strong lines and bright colors instantly identifies his work. He is an artist to watch, with a growing 168,000 followers and a bright future ahead of him.


The term “Last Place Comics” refers to the fact that it’s the final place you might possibly discover strange, humorous, and entertaining comics. What distinguishes his work is its playfulness and whimsy. His settings are full of strange details and surprising turns, and his characters are often endearing and quirky. His creations possess a whimsical quality, but they also display an amazing degree of skill and intelligence. The artist’s comics are often quirky and weird, but they’re often insightful and important. Let’s explore some of his best comics.

Credit: Last Place Comics

For More Info: Instagram | Facebook | Website

#1. Santa

#2. Hilarious

#3. Natural Habitat

#4. Original Character

#5. Not a drill

#6. Boom

Last Place Comics explores life’s absurdity, finding humor in even the most embarrassing and unpleasant circumstances. Expect cringe-worthy moments that will have you laughing out loud. The surprising twists and turns keep you guessing, and the comedy frequently comes from the most unexpected places. Be prepared for the absurd, and you’ll be rewarded with amusing outcomes.

#7. New Animal

#8. Too Powerful

#9. Feeling Down

#10. Death Puns

#11. Idiot Cat

#12. Conspiracy Confidence

Instead of creating four panels, the artist typically creates lengthy comic strips. The artist mostly addresses relationships, technology, life, death, and many other subjects in his comics. The figures’ cartoony aesthetic and simple lines make them readily recognized, and their feelings are conveyed. It fits in perfectly with the fast-paced humor and absurd circumstances. Punchlines are emphasized, and the confusion is visually thoroughly conveyed, thanks to the dynamic panel layouts and effective use of white space, which enhance the comedic timing.

#13. Internet Man

#14. Enchanting Evening

#15. Sick Vape Tricks

#16. Couples Over Time

#17. Burn Bot

#18. Netflix Recommends

#19. Attack

#20. This is sick


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