Here are 20 Absurd and Strange Comics by “Little Porpoise” That will Make you Laugh

Having a case of boredom? Do you wish to brighten your day with something brand-new, enjoyable, and surprising? If so, you are in the proper location. We are always available to lift your spirits. We constantly make an effort to transform your despair into joy. Today, we’ll introduce you to a comic by “Little Porpoise” that is a masterpiece in the comics genre, in the hopes that it will help you temporarily forget about your troubles and enter the land of happiness.

The creator of this webcomic series doesn’t reveal much personal information. His comics are anything but typical and straightforward. The majority of readers will be drawn to his works by the stories that are skillfully illustrated and the jokes that have ingenious and unexpected twists. His comics also have a distinct visual aesthetic. As a result, they have a large family of 34,600 Instagram followers.

In his comics, the artist develops a distinct style of sarcasm and deadpan comedy. You can observe how his comics transition from colorful to text-based humor to humor that simply uses pictures. Additionally, they always contain a humorous element that readers can investigate. His comics have dry, snarky, and absurd jokes and are created in a simplistic, cartoonish, and rough manner, but they never fail to make people laugh. Let’s take a look at some of his best comics.

Credit: Little Porpoise

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