20 Commit Strip Comics That Depict The Frustrations Faced By Developers

If you are the one who has a little bit of knowledge about computers, then you should definitely watch the web comic titled Commit Strip. This comic strip presents a true-to-life picture of what web developers go through on a daily basis. It has more than 40,000 fans on Facebook. Commit Strip is a very popular comic series in the world of internet media. Their comics represent the typical struggles of coders that any programmer can identify with.

The web comic Commit Strip began when a few coders met an illustrator. They had plenty of silly and real-life mishaps from working for web agencies, so one day they decided to start illustrating them in the form of comics. They are released daily, and every issue has a comedic story based on the everyday life of professionals who write code for software. You do not even have to have technical knowledge to watch them, as the comics are filled with jokes people can relate to when dealing with the office.

Credit: Commit Strip

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For people who have experience as programmers, there is a collection of some of the of the best comics for them:

#1. Have you tested?


#2. The right tool for the right job at the right time

#3. Security Questionnaire

#4. we all do it


#5. real conference

#6. No documentation

It mainly involves three key characters who are well-acquainted with computer programming languages such as PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript. When they are not pulling their hair out over impossible bugs, you can catch them struggling through things like Endless debugging cycles. The worst part is when working with customers and the stress of attempting to accomplish work in the environment of open and noisy workplaces.

#7. Improve the loading time

#8. The secret of a successful code review

#9. Call the police

#10. New Web Technologies

#11. Weird Bots

#12. Daily meetings

#13. Not the same

Their comics are entirely on point when it comes to portraying these rather relatable and uncomfortable situations for all developers. Well, if ever you feel like screaming at your workplace, then you should visit their social media profiles and share ideas with some developers who know how we feel. Not only is it funny, but this is perhaps the best way to take a break from work and have some good laughter in the middle of the work week.

#14. Cloud usage for the year

#15. What do you mean?

#16. Back in the office

#17. Talk to me

#18. Don’t get too confident

#19. The science of front-end

#20. Experts

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