25 Funniest New comics about parrots, illustrated by the owner of the birds herself

Sometimes you know someone so well that you could make a comic of their adventures. And the same could happen with the animals you live with.

This is the case of Sarah, a 25-year-old illustrator who lives in Texas and has 2 little birds. A charming but not very bright nymph cockatoo named Chicken, and a tiny, bossy parakeet named Blue Boy. All these comics are dedicated to this pair of parrots.

‘The stories are usually told from Chicken’s perspective, without the humans appearing much, that’s why the comic is called” Chicken thoughts.  I love how smart birds are but also how illogical they can be. I’m sure we are like that too, ”Sarah said.

The stories are mostly inspired by the actual behaviors of pets, especially when Sarah’s little birds do something fun. I also draw comics about birds for some of my readers as well, so they appear as guest stars. They tell me a bit about them and I draw them in my style, ‘he explained.

The comics are light, but not at all superficial – they perfectly capture what it’s like to live with parrots and their behavior.

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The stories are mostly inspired by the actual behaviors of pets, especially when Sarah’s little birds do something fun. I also draw comics about birds for some of my readers as well, so they appear as guest stars. They tell me a bit about them and I draw them in my style, ‘he explained.


















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