20 Banana Moon Comics Based on Dark Humor and Clever Situations

Andrina Learmonth is an artist from British Columbia, Canada, known for her dark humor, hilarious themes, and clever situations in comics. She publishes her work under the name Banana Moon Comics. She often shares her comics on her personal website. It’s an online comic centered on humorous scenarios. It’s not your normal comic strip, for that reason. She mostly captures these hilarious situations in a four-panel format.

When asked two years ago how she got started on this web comic, she stated that rather than wanting to start making movies, it was inspired by her love of comics. During that time, he sketched more than ever, developed his own style, and gained regular dedication to work on it. The artist’s topics are nearly endless when it comes to themes. Still, he usually works to inspire the reader with a positive message. Let’s explore his twenty best comics.

Credit: Banana Moon Comics

For more info: Website

#1. Respect that

#2. Regret


#3. Specific Ocean

#4. Target Engaged


#5. You can do this

#6. Science Experiment


Her comics, which are filled with hilarious puns and well-written jokes that will make you laugh aloud, are what really make her comics so eye-catching. Her comics have a darkly humorous punchline, but the comedy is never negative. You’ll be cheering them on continuously, even the craziest ones. That’s how she draws clever plots to make her audience laugh.

#7. going to the moon

#8. Meeting


#9. Fantastic Hulk

#10. Ready to die


#11. New Plant

#12. Dream big

#13. Ready to die

She started this web comic a few years ago. Her primary goal is to bring a smile to her fans faces. So that they will forget about their worries for some time. Her colorful and engaging characters will draw you to explore the universe this illustrator has created in her comics. We hope you will enjoy his comics. Don’t forget to comment on and share this blog.

#14. Snow angel

#15. All mine

#16. Happy new year

#17. New year resolution

#18. Holiday tradition

#19. Hilarious

#20. Thanks

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