Artist Draws Comics That Illustrates What It’s Like To Be Living With A Cat

Living with a cat can bring so much of joy into your […]

Living with a cat can bring so much of joy into your life. Time you spend with your cat can vary from frustrating to hell fun. In any case, they are rarely NEVER dull. Who else would awaken you at 4am in the first part of the day running round the house like insane and asks for food?


However, at that point you could never imagine the feel of a cold morning with a cup of coffee. Who might creep to you in the evening while you’re watching a horror movie and horrify you? In any case, at that point your cat would cuddle up right close to you and it’s the best thing ever!

To make it more special Lingvistov creates some wholesome comics that illustrate daily life adventures with the cat. Scroll down and have a look at these funny comics.


Image Source : lingvistov


Image Source : lingvistov


Image Source : lingvistov


Image Source : lingvistov


Image Source : lingvistov

Lingvistov draws comic about daily life adventures as far as we might be concerned: the significance of tasty food, the appeal of a decent evening sleep and their love for cats. They work on a simple goal, and that is just to make people laugh.


Image Source : lingvistov


Image Source : lingvistov


Image Source : lingvistov


Image Source : lingvistov


Image Source : lingvistov


Image Source : lingvistov


Image Source : lingvistov

Lingvistov is basically from Russia. There comic are mostly about cats, good jokes, funny illustrations and designs. They have been active in the comic world since very long time, that’s the reason they have build a huge community of their fans on Instagram. They have been able to gather 385K Instagram followers. The numbers are increasing with each coming day.


Image Source : lingvistov


Image Source : lingvistov


Image Source : lingvistov


Image Source : lingvistov


Image Source : lingvistov


Image Source : lingvistov



Image Source : lingvistov

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