20 Safety Sulo Comics Based on Strange Situations for Dark Humor Lovers

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Safety Sulo Comics is an excellent example of an artist who creates dark comics. He is a Canadian comedian and cartoonist who draws strange and scary illustrations once a week. Because he only makes a small number of comics, he has a relatively small Instagram following. Although the creator claims to smile when making dark comics, his audience did not respond well to his works.


Basically, he uses humor to depict safety precautions and best practices in a creative and relatable way. His comics focus on everyday situations where safety mishaps could potentially occur and offer gentle reminders to stay safe. But the ultimate goal of this artist is to make people laugh through his fabulous content. We have collected some of his best comics in the following section.

Credit: Safety Sulo Comics

For more Info: Instagram

#1. Clean and Safe

image 2583

#2. Uber Eats

image 2584

#3. Help Me

image 2585

#4. Emergency

image 2586

#5. Wiggle

image 2587

#6. Was Not Fall

image 2588

One day, he set out to make a comic book series for himself. However, he is not an expert artist. He was unable to create comics at that time because of this. He became an expert sketcher over time. Afterwards, he began creating comics and sharing them on Instagram. He was creating comics that made the others laugh before he posted them on Instagram.

#7. Compensation

image 2589

#8. One Punch Man

image 2590

#9. Accident

image 2591

#10. Hilarious

image 2592

#11. Never Speak

image 2593

#12. Hot Dogs

image 2594

#13. Monster

image 2595

#14. Face Reveal

image 2604

He mostly creates comics based on a multi-panel format. But after not getting positive feedback from the audience, he stops making new comics. But his comics are surely enjoyed by those who have a dark sense of humor. If you also love to enjoy dark humor, then this blog is the best place for you to do so. For more such types of articles, you can visit our website daily.

#15. Down Voted

image 2598

#16. Stop

image 2599

#17. Caught

image 2600

#18. Bad Trip

image 2601

#19. Danger

image 2602

#20. Part 2

image 2603

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