20 Hilarious Comics by Malaysian Cartoonist “Weinye” will Make Your Day

Many businesses have plagiarized works of art for their own gain. But the narrative is distinct. Cartoonist Weinye Chen Domino, 30, from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, reacted swiftly after learning that Che Domino was using humorous jokes on his Facebook page. Following this incident, she gains popularity and keeps producing comics about absurd topics to delight her devoted followers.

I would like to introduce you to a cartoonist who creates realistic cartoons based on real-life events. When she came to San Francisco in 2011, she began making Instagram comics to communicate with her friends and family in Malaysia about her new life. She is well known for her grumpy and brutally honest redheaded avatar, which she features in her web comic series “It’s Weinye.”

Lighthearted humor is the main component of her act. She has amassed a family of 223k Instagram followers by producing interesting things. She also posts her comics on a personal website that she owns. In her biography, she states that she will be “feeding you some sass with a side of potato chips.” The part that follows contains a collection of her comics, which everyone should be able to appreciate and relate to.

Credit: It’s Weinye

More info: Instagram | Website























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