20 Extra Fabulous Comics With Twisted Sense Of Humor Will Make You Feel Happy

Funny comics with unexpected twists, a fun dose for the people, bringing […]

Funny comics with unexpected twists, a fun dose for the people, bringing up the stupidity of things, and wondering about life’s unavoidable issues, that’s what Extra Fabulous Comics are about!


Zach is the artist behind the success of Extra Fabulous Comics. He stepped in the field of comics in 2011 and he’s going more and more famous since then. Since beginning his initial steps as a pro comic crafts artist, he’s amassed an enormous online fan following.

We have collected some of his mostly loved and fresh comics that will surely put smile on your face. Scroll down and take a look at these hilarious comics. At the end don’t forget to share which one of these comics made you laugh in the comments below.


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics

Zach disclosed that, he began Extra Fabulous Comics as a final desperate attempt to discover satisfaction, since he was in an exceptionally dull spot at that point. He also shared how he set off for college for something random and left the field just subsequent to graduating. Zach added that he was additionally in an undesirable long haul relationship working under an abusive manager at a grocery store.


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics

One day I attempted to remember when I last felt satisfied, and it reminds me of the time when I was most joyful while I was making my companions snicker with my drawings. Some way or another, through long stretches of tutoring, that revelation got away from me. Had I considered it before, I’d have begun the comics years before I did, the artist said.


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics

In spite of the fact that he took so much of time to understand he’s extraordinary at drawing comics, we’re happy that he in the end discovered his calling. Presently, he engages his almost 400k Facebook fans and 95k Twitter supporters with his regular posts. He has also got 622K Instagram followers.


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics


Image Source : extrafabulous_comics

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