13+ Wholesome and Adorable Comics by the Female Cartoonist “Katherine”

Recently, comics have emerged as one of the most effective means of expressing the ideas and emotions of many artists. Because comics allow creators to express their emotions and personal struggles in hopes of evoking empathy in readers It is the easiest approach to passing the time and temporarily forgetting about your concerns. You calm down and receive mental therapy from it.

Katherine, a teenage comic book creator from Australia, consistently makes her thousands of fans and followers giggle with her original works of art. For her webcomic series “Khemmings94,” she is best known. She has produced amusing and engaging comics that depict both her challenges and everyday issues that affect all girls. Despite the fact that she has only been drawing for a little over a year, she already has over 43,000 followers on Instagram, and this number is gradually rising.

To encourage more laughter, she creates comic strips every week. It’s obvious that the illustrator has a distinctive approach to creating comics and doesn’t confine herself when it comes to creating new characters and subjects. You never know what you’ll get because everything is possible in the world of Katherine comics. In the area below, we’ve gathered a few of her best drawings. Have fun!

Credit: Khemmings94

More info: Instagram































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