The Artist Jenny jinya Just Released A New One With A Duck


Jenny Hafsick, better known as the German artist Jenny Jenny, is yet to catch the eye of her followers, but she sees bitter sweet comics in realistic situations.

After touching the world with her good boy and black cat comics, Jenny’s latest comic focuses on a duck that was separated from her mother and siblings.

“It simply came to our notice then. Jenny-Jenny said, and since a family of ducks had gone before my eyes, even with a slow road, I think it was an atrocity that could have been easily prevented, Said.

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Speaking to Board Panda, Jenny Jenny added Drawing the same humor largely depends on how long and in-depth I have researched for certain topics. I don’t need less than a week to draw myself.

In her obsession with drawing comics, Jenny added: ‘My mother told me I would start drawing before I left. I usually pick up a pencil and never stop scrubbing, he said. I always wanted to be an artist, to tell stories as well as to create the world.

A lot of young artists are frustrated that they haven’t developed their style yet or haven’t found their place yet. But that’s fine. It’s something that can’t be rushed,” Jenny said. It’s weird, but let your artist know. Finding your own style and niche is something that takes time to develop. There are no shortcuts.

Jenny-Jenny revealed that she was inspired to take a picture of the duck humor

Gathering more than 174K followers on Instagram, 25K followers on Twitter, and 140K followers on Facebook, Jenny’s comedy deals with a wide range of social issues related to animals. As a freelance writer, Jenny studied digital media at HAWK University of Applied Sciences and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts.




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